Coinbase Restictions On Business Opportunities

The “Prohibited Businesses” section of this post was taken from the Coinbase website. You can click link below to go directly to the website to read it. If link does not work. You can visit the Coinbase website and then scroll down to Legal and Privacy and click on the “user agreement” and then scroll down to Prohibited Businesses.

If you want to continue to use Coinbase, it is recommended to deposit your Bitcoin from your business opportunities into another personal account and then transfer the Bitcoin amount from there to your Coinbase wallet. 

For example Business Opportunity A to Blockchain to Coinbase. Your goal is to make it look like a personal transfer and not from a business. But understand that Coinbase can still close your account according to their judgement. 

“Prohibited Businesses

In addition to the Prohibited Uses described above, the following categories of businesses, business practices, and sale items are barred from Coinbase Services ("Prohibited Businesses"). Most Prohibited Businesses categories are imposed by Card Network rules or the requirements of our banking providers or processors. The specific types of use listed below are representative, but not exhaustive. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your use of Coinbase Services involves a Prohibited Business, or have questions about how these requirements apply to you, please contact us at

By opening a Coinbase Account, you confirm that you will not use Coinbase Services in connection with any of following businesses, activities, practices, or items:
  • Investment and Credit Services: Securities brokers; mortgage consulting or debt reduction services; credit counseling or repair; real estate opportunities; investment schemes
  • Restricted Financial Services: Check cashing, bail bonds; collections agencies.
  • Intellectual Property or Proprietary Rights Infringement: Sales, distribution, or access to counterfeit music, movies, software, or other licensed materials without the appropriate authorization from the rights holder
  • Counterfeit or Unauthorized Goods: Unauthorized sale or resale of brand name or designer products or services; sale of goods or services that are illegally imported or exported or which are stolen
  • Regulated Products and Services: Marijuana dispensaries and related businesses; sale of tobacco, e-cigarettes, and e-liquid; online prescription or pharmaceutical services; age restricted goods or services; weapons and munitions; gunpowder and other explosives; fireworks and related goods; toxic, flammable, and radioactive materials; products and services with varying legal status on a state-by-state basis
  • Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia: Sale of narcotics, controlled substances, and any equipment designed for making or using drugs, such as bongs, vaporizers, and hookahs
  • Pseudo-Pharmaceuticals: Pharmaceuticals and other products that make health claims that have not been approved or verified by the applicable local and/or national regulatory body
  • Substances designed to mimic illegal drugs: Sale of a legal substance that provides the same effect as an illegal drug (e.g., salvia, kratom)
  • Adult Content and Services: Pornography and other obscene materials (including literature, imagery and other media); sites offering any sexually-related services such as prostitution, escorts, pay-per view, adult live chat features
  • Multi-level Marketing: Pyramid schemes, network marketing, and referral marketing programs
  • Unfair, predatory or deceptive practices: Investment opportunities or other services that promise high rewards; Sale or resale of a service without added benefit to the buyer; resale of government offerings without authorization or added value; sites that we determine in our sole discretion to be unfair, deceptive, or predatory towards consumers
  • High risk businesses: any businesses that we believe poses elevated financial risk, legal liability, or violates card network or bank policies”
  • Coinbase direct link of the above restrictions:


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