My Process Of Making Money Online

Thinking out loud:I'm starting to understand how Instagram and Twitter feeds my blog, Youtube and Facebook and Facebook feeds my blog, which to my understanding, is exactly how it is suppose to go, meaning one platform feeds the other. 

Currently my Instagram channel Is feeding my blog and Facebook but I have been reading on how Instagram and Twitter is used to feed Youtube. In short use a Thumbnail with a link or your brand name when you make a post.... I'm really enjoying the process of learning about this stuff...Keep in mind while you look at the stats below, I just started pushing Instagram and I am going on my 3rd week and with those visit to my blog, I had one sign up :-)

Because I am getting an overwhelming response on Instagram with the types of post I am doing, I decided to start doing training on Youtube about "attraction marketing" and "Branding' either yourself or your website, which I will start next week. 

These pass few days for some reason Youtube has been rejecting my videos, even though I have not changed my process of uploading. 

Now I am starting to ramble, but before I go scroll down and watch the video for more information.. so with that.... Enjoy your day!!!

For more information check out


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