What Is Today's Gold Rush?

There is no doubt that the internet has produced a ton of successful entrepreneurs. And though there is a ton of opportunities to make money, you will find every single one of them connected to the internet. If they are not on the internet, they should be. 

So in short the internet is today's Gold Rush and just like the Gold Rush, those who are able to figure it out will make money. No doubt! Some will make more than others, but even just to get into the positive income level is an accomplishment. And that is why I decided to make this blog because I found out that making money within 6 months puts me above the average online entrepreneurs.

It actually gives me bragging rights....lol. But I have also learned, that this industry still has a lot of growth to go through and I believe that explains why the failure rate is so high. According to several sources it is at an alarming rate of a 90% failure rate.  This is crazy! 

So I ask myself, how was I so lucky to get into the positive, in comparison to all these people who failed. I will admit, I am no where close to quitting my job but I believe I am getting there. 

Right now if I wanted to, I could pay myself, close to $300 a month. But I have goals and so with the goals that I have in mind, I choose Not to pay myself at this time. 

My goal is to hit the goal according to my plan and take notes of how I am achieving them. And then put a marketing funnel together to show others, how I did it. 

So in closing, the fact that there are over 3 billion people using the internet today, should make you realize that starting an online business these days. Isn't crazy! It is literally today's most affordable Gold Rush.

Plus any business with a physical location will have a higher overhead cost. And you still have to figure out, how to get the right customers into your store to make a sale. It doesn't matter, if it is a product or service. There is no difference when comparing it to driving online traffic to your online business.

With that I will end this post and until next time. Enjoy your day!


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