
Showing posts from February, 2017

My Process Of Making Money Online

Thinking out loud:I'm starting to understand how Instagram and Twitter feeds my blog, Youtube and Facebook and Facebook feeds my blog, which to my understanding, is exactly how it is suppose to go, meaning one platform feeds the other.  Currently my Instagram channel Is feeding my blog and Facebook but I have been reading on how Instagram and Twitter is used to feed Youtube. In short use a Thumbnail with a link or your brand name when you make a post.... I'm really enjoying the process of learning about this stuff...Keep in mind while you look at the stats below, I just started pushing Instagram and I am going on my 3rd week and with those visit to my blog, I had one sign up :-) Because I am getting an overwhelming response on Instagram with the types of post I am doing, I decided to start doing training on Youtube about "attraction marketing" and "Branding' either yourself or your website, which I will start next week.  These pass few days for some...

This Is What It Takes To Live Your Dream

One of the surprising things, that I have found about myself and interacting with others; who are pursuing their dream or dreams. Is most of us don't stick around long enough to achieve a realistic goal.  ​ Since I have started my online business adventure, these days I am meeting several new people online through various social network platforms. And what I am noticing these days, is that those who stick around and put into action, what they have learned from books, videos and their mentors are achieving their goals which will ultimately allow them to achieve their dream. And what I have come to understand and believe, is that everyone has to take the time to achieve the thinking process that is required in order to succeed. When it comes to investing, we can all agree Warren Buffet's thinking process is completely different from mine or yours. The way I play basketball is way different than Michael Jordan. And I certainly don't play the piano as good as Elton John...l...

What Is Today's Gold Rush?

There is no doubt that the internet has produced a ton of successful entrepreneurs. And though there is a ton of opportunities to make money, you will find every single one of them connected to the internet. If they are not on the internet, they should be.  So in short the internet is today's Gold Rush and just like the Gold Rush, those who are able to figure it out will make money. No doubt! Some will make more than others, but even just to get into the positive income level is an accomplishment. And that is why I decided to make this blog because I found out that making money within 6 months puts me above the average online entrepreneurs. It actually gives me bragging But I have also learned, that this industry still has a lot of growth to go through and I believe that explains why the failure rate is so high. According to several sources it is at an alarming rate of a  90% failure rate.   This is crazy!  So I ask myself, how was I so ...
When it comes to real ways to make money from home, there are endless opportunities. The fact is, if you can think of a way to make money online there probably is a company online doing it already. But more importantly, these days if there is a demand for it, you can make money. No if, ands or buts about it. With all the business opportunities out there, you can easily get lost and may be even lose a lot of money in your attempt to making money online.  So in this video "Real Ways To Make Money From Home" I address the number one question that you need ask in order to really gauge your odds of succeeding. And for bonus sake I throw in two other important questions to ask. So take a few minutes to learn these vital questions that is guaranteed to expand your understanding of making money online. Until next time enjoy your day! Don't forget to check out my official website www.
What I wanted to talk about today, is a trend that is going on which it is referred to as "branding yourself" and "attraction marketing". To me they are very similar, if not the same thing. My plan is to release a marketing funnel in the near future, but I felt that I should be "branding myself" so I decided to create some capture pages with the Power Lead System to focus on this primary. The other trend that is going on, which I am sure most of us have heard about,  and that is giving up the hype, and simply offering more value and linking that value to a product that you are representing.  Keeping these things in mind, take a look at my capture page which I used the Power Lead System to create and to specifically share with the members of FutureAdpro .   Take a look at it here and enjoy :-) 
How much money do I have to make before you believe me :-) It's not about the money!  But It is about the goals that are set in the game plan.  The clearer the goals are, the more likely you will hit them. Stop chasing the thousands and thousands of dollars dream, without having a clue of what it takes.  I myself may not be there but I'm definitely checking off short term goals as I work my way towards the top. Watch the video and check out my latest update on my online business adventure.